• DC Series Flanged Escentric Butterfly Valve

    DC Series Flanged Escentric Butterfly Valve

    Lýsing: DC Series Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve felur í sér jákvæða viðhaldið seigur disks innsigli og annað hvort órjúfanlegt líkamsæti. The valve has three unique attributes: less weight, more strength and lower torque. Characteristic: 1. Eccentric action reduces torque and seat contact during operation extending valve life 2. Suitable for on/off and modulating service. 3. Subject to size and damage, the seat can be repaired in the field and in certain cases, repaired from outside th...

  • Ud seríur mjúkur ermi setur fiðrildi loki

    Ud seríur mjúkur ermi setur fiðrildi loki

  • YD Series Wafer Butterfly Valve

    YD Series Wafer Butterfly Valve

    Description: YD Series Wafer butterfly valve 's flange connection is universal standard,and the material of handle is aluminium;It can be used as a device to cut-off or regulate the flow in various medium pipes. Through selecting different materials of disc and seal seat, as well as the pinless connection between disc and stem,the valve can be applied to worse conditions, such as desulphurization vacuum, sea water desalinization. Einkenni: 1. Lítið að stærð og ljós að þyngd og ...

  • MD Series Lug Butterfly Valve

    MD Series Lug Butterfly Valve

  • EZ Series seigur sæti NRS GATE VALVE

    EZ Series seigur sæti NRS GATE VALVE

    Description: EZ Series Resilient seated NRS gate valve is a wedge gate valve and Non-rising stem type, and suitable for use with water and neutral liquids (sewage). Characteristic: -On-line replacement of top seal: Easy installation and maintenance. -Integral rubber-clad disc: The ductile iron frame work is thermal-clad integrally with high performance rubber. Tryggja þétt innsigli og forvarnir gegn ryð. -Engað koparhneta: með sérstöku steypuferli. eir stilkurhnetan er samþætt ...

  • Description: Slight resistance Non-return Backflow Preventer (Flanged Type) TWS-DFQ4TX-10/16Q-D – is a kind of water control combination device developed by our company, mainly used for water supply from urban unit to the general sewage unit strictly limit the pipeline pressure so that the water flow can only be one-way. Virkni þess er að koma í veg fyrir afturstreymi leiðslu miðilsins eða hvaða ástand sem er sifon rennur til baka til að forðast mengun afturflæðis. Characteristics: 1. It is of co...

  • Description: TWS Flanged Static balancing valve is a key hydraulic balance product used for precise flow regulating of water pipelines system in HVAC application to ensure static hydraulic balance across whole water system. The series can ensure the actual flow of each terminal equipment and pipeline in line with the design flow in the phase of system initial commisiioning by site commissiong with flow measuring computer. Flokkurinn er mikið notaður í aðalrörum, útibúum og flugstöðvum ...

  • Tws Air Release Valve

    Tws Air Release Valve

  • 02
  • 01

Sérstakur fiðrildaloki fyrir afsalun sjó



Desulfurization flans /waf

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  • The inner sealing of the concentric line soft seal butterfly valve D341X-CL150 relies on the seamless contact between the rubber seat and the butterfly plate YD7Z1X-10ZB1 , and the valve has a two-way sealing function. Stilkur þétting lokans treystir á þéttingu kúpt yfirborð rusla ...

  • Flokkun loftloka